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8 Apr by Admin

With the kick off the Junior Season just a week away, we have planned a Working Bee for this Saturday 13 April from 8am-1pm.

We want to spruce up the club and get things looking great for the start of the season.

As a club we work hard to keep fees to a minimum and until now we have not added a Volunteer Levy so we are hoping to get a good turn up on Saturday, otherwise we will be forced to introduce Volunteer Levies like most other clubs on future seasons.

We have a few jobs to get done, but nothing too hard are strenuous, so even if you can come and help for a few hours, that would be greatly appreciated.

Lists of Jobs:

β€’ Gerni Clubhouse (Exterior), Dressing Rooms (Exterior – prep for oiling), Container (prep for painting) and Rubbish Bins
β€’ Clean Windows to Clubhouse
β€’ Paint Storage Container (Exterior) Repair Gate to Field 1
β€’ Move old light poles to end of Field 2
β€’ Gardens and bushes trimmed
β€’ Nets Installed Dressing Room Building
β€’ Decking Oiled Marking MiniRoos Fields
β€’ Remove Rubbish around Clubhouse/Grounds
β€’ Timber Stairs on Field Repainted (Safety Yellow)
β€’ MPR Sort/Throw/Donate Gear
β€’ Clean Equipment Shed – Remove/Dump Broken Equipment
β€’ Install Timber Bench Field 1 Rail

If people have access to gernis, line trimmers, rakes, brooms, ladders, drills etc we would be grateful if you could bring then along on Saturday morning.

Many hands do make light work and all we are asking is for players and parents to come down on Saturday and help spruce up your club !

Hope to see people showing up during the morning from all parts of the club and don’t be shy, this is great way to meet new people and get involved in your club!

Team Work Helps Make The Dream Work !!